Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Contradicting Rodents

So, Puxatawney Phil saw his shadow today, indicating 6 more weeks of Winter. However, Staten Island Steve (Or something like that) did not, indicating an early spring. So, which one is right? Neither. Groundhogs aren't the ones making the predictions. And groundhogs can't technically "see" thir shadows. I'm looking at the Wikipedia page, and I sense a pattern. Take a look.
2008-096 more weeks of winter
2007Early spring
2000-066 more weeks of winter
1999Early spring
19986 more weeks of winter
1997Early spring
19966 more weeks of winter
1995Early spring
1991-946 more weeks of winter
1990Early spring
19896 more weeks of winter
1988Early spring
19876 more weeks of winter
1986Early spring
1984-856 more weeks of winter
1983Early spring
1976-826 more weeks of winter
1975Early spring
1971-746 more weeks of winter
1970Early spring
1951-696 more weeks of winter
1950Early spring
1944-496 more weeks of winter

1 comment:

  1. At least we didn't live the day over and over again.

    At least we didn't live the day over and over again.

    At least we didn't live the day over and over again.

